InicioVelayos 'Retu...

Velayos ‘Returns’ to Renta: 011h to Build a Residential Development for the Listed Company

The construction company, launched by Juan Velayos and the founders of Privalia, is joining forces with the listed company to build its first sustainable housing development, which will be ready by the end of 2021.

Renta Corporacion y 011h construyen su primera promocion de viviendas insdustrializadas y sostenibles en Barcelona 1 1024x795 1

The construction company 011h, created by the founders of Privalia, Lucas Carné and José Manuel Villanueva, has already found a partner with which to start its first project. The firm has teamed up with Renta Corporación to build its first development of industrialised and sustainable housing.

The company, which is focused on the construction of smart buildings, is going to develop this project in Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona). The development will comprise eight homes distributed over three floors and will be built entirely with certified wood (CLT) and other sustainable materials.

Read the full article in Spanish.


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