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The Prices of New-Build Homes in Madrid Rise by Almost 3%

The average price of new homes in the Retiro district registered an increase of 2.8% in 2020; whilst Salamanca was the most expensive area at the end of year (€6,105/m2).

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For the time being, the new-build home sector in Spain is resisting the onslaught of the crisis generated by the Covid pandemic and is continuing its upward path in terms of prices. In this sense, Madrid is one of the regional capitals where the average price has increased by the most, along with Palma de Mallorca and Barcelona.

Similarly, Madrid capital remains one of the Spanish cities where new home prices are the highest: 3,673 euros per square metre at the end of 2020, up by 1.3% compared to the previous year. Meanwhile, the average price for Spain as a whole was €2,476/m2 at the end of 2020, which represents a slight increase of 0.9% compared to 2019, according to data from Sociedad de Tasación.

Read the full article in Spanish.


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