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The Large Property Developers Restore their House Sales Post-Lockdown

Aedas, Habitat Inmobiliaria, Metrovacesa, Neinor and Vía Célere assure that they have recovered their sales volumes and - above all, their reservations. They expect to return to pre-Covid levels within a reasonable timeframe.

Metrovacesa housing development.

The large Spanish property developers say they are surprised by the speed with which interest in buying a home has recovered post-lockdown, although that interest does vary by neighbourhood. Moreover, they acknowledge that people are more interested in viewing properties and making reservations, than in finalising purchase decisions.

«The recovery is proving to be faster in the large cities than on the coast, but we are getting closer to pre-Covid sector levels, especially in terms of interest», said David Martínez, CEO of Aedas Homes, speaking yesterday at a virtual sectoral conference organised by El Economista. José Ignacio Morales, CEO of Vía Célere, echoed his view; he said that he has been ‘surprised’ at the strength of pre-sales in June, which is based on pent-up demand, in his opinion, which is still greater than supply.

Read the full article in Spanish.

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