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The Impact of Covid on the Real Estate Assets in Each Region

The Covid-19 pandemic has led the authorities to impose restrictive measures on the population that have had an impact on the real estate sector.

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The coronavirus pandemic and the measures introduced to stop its expansion have somewhat thwarted the real estate sector in Spain. Although during the initial phase, everything was managed centrally by the national Government, since the summer of 2020, each autonomous regional community has applied its own measures. These measures, which vary in terms of their level of restrictions, have had a negative impact on all areas of the real estate sector. Only the logistics sector has seen an improvement in its numbers thanks to the rise of e-commerce.

The Community of Madrid

The regional government led Isabel Diaz Ayuso has been one of the least restrictive when it comes to curtailing the freedom of its citizens. The Executive of the Community of Madrid is striving to allow people to continue with their daily life to avoid the collapse of the economy. Even so, during the most delicate moments of the pandemic, it too has had to close its borders. These closures, which took place around the long bank holiday weekends in November and December, prevented the arrival of tourists and weakened the hotel and commercial sectors. Other measures that have been imposed include a curfew at midnight and capacity controls for enclosed places.

Read the full article in Spanish.


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