The Government has suspended all evictions of vulnerable people for six months; extended all of the rental contracts that are about to expire; and is going to grant interest-free microcredits to families so that they can pay the rent, which will be repayable over 6 years, expandable to 10 years, as part of an anti-crisis shield to guarantee housing for all.
The agreement does not include a temporary suspension of rental payments, which has been a point of friction between Unidas Podemos and members of the Government such as Nadia Calviño. UP is concerned about the vulnerability caused for private owners -who own 90% of rental flats in Spain-, but the deal does contain significant public aid.
In short, the Government has designed a new package of measures to help the self-employed, vulnerable tenants and domestic workers: according to the Executive’s own calculations, the aid will serve to support 500,000 families in Spain.