InicioTémpore Looks...
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Témpore Looks to Enter the Build to Rent Business in Medium-Sized Cities

The firm plans to target cities such as Zaragoza, Vigo and Bilbao, where it is already studying operations aimed at increasing its rental portfolio, according to its CEO.

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Panoramic view of Bilbao.

Nicolás Díaz Saldaña, CEO of Témpore Properties, explains that this type of product is also in demand in cities that are smaller than Madrid or Barcelona, where the bulk of the rental supply is concentrated. On the other hand, those are the locations where a large proportion of the firm’s assets are concentrated. They include cities such as Zaragoza, Vigo and Bilbao, where the CEO indicates that it is already studying operations.

«The rental market is here to stay and there is room for everyone. Both in medium-sized cities, as well as on the outskirts of large metropolitan areas such as the Spanish capital and Barcelona,» said the manager today at a virtual meeting organised by SimaPro Home Edition.

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