InicioStoneweg Eval...
Modelo Banner 1 Brainsre 650x250 Noviembre 2024

Stoneweg Evaluates the Purchase of the Hotel Miguel Ángel in Madrid

The hotel joint venture between Stoneweg and Bain Capital is expected to pay 200 million euros for the property to the British-Iraqi businessman Nadhmi Auchi.

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A major hotel operation is on the horizon. The hotel joint venture between Stoneweg and Bain Capital is holding exclusive negotiations with the British-Iraqi businessman Nadhmi Auchi regarding the purchase of the Hotel Miguel Ángel, in Madrid.

The complex is in a prime location and the operation could exceed 200 million euros, corresponding to a price per room of between 800,000 and 900,000 euros, according to Cinco Días.

Read the full article in Spanish.

Modelo Banner 1 Brainsre 650x250 Noviembre 2024


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