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Modelo Banner 1 Brainsre 650x250 Noviembre 2024

Stoneshield Sells its Data Centre Subsidiary to the US Firm Iron Mountain, Which is Debuting in Spain

The company owned by Felipe Morenés and Juan Pepa has divested Xdata Properties, a firm that owns a large asset in San Fernando de Henares for hosting technological facilities.

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Stoneshield Capital, the real estate investment firm owned by Felipe Morenés and Juan Pepa, has sold the firm Xdata Properties, S.L.U. to the American company Iron Mountain, in an operation that puts the data centre business back in the headlines. The deal follows Stoneweg’s announcement last Monday that it has sold the former Coca-Cola bottling plant in Fuenlabrada to Thor.

In this case, the company sold by Stoneshield is the owner of a unique project that involves the development of a data centre campus with an unbeatable time to market in Madrid, the up-and-coming European nucleus of this new real estate segment.

Read the full article in Spanish.

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