In a year still marked by the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Spanish real estate market is something to boast about.
According to the ranking prepared by Catella and Urban Land Institute, Spain is the fifth market with the most tertiary real estate investment in the first half of 2021. In total, Spanish real estate captured 5.2 billion euros, only surpassed by the large markets of the Old Continent, such as France, Great Britain and Germany. In Catella’s study, Spain is in fifth place when counting all the Nordic countries together.
The €5.2 billion raised by the Spanish real estate market far exceeds the total investment of the other peripheral countries (Ireland, Portugal, Greece, Malta, Cyprus and Italy).
“Spain is an attractive market for several reasons: large population, large cities and the main growth drivers. The risk/return ratio is higher than in other countries and, after the pandemic, the Spanish real estate sector is recovering strongly, especially in the areas of logistics, data centres, offices and residential”, explains Thomas Beyerle, Head of Research at Catella Group, at the Real Estate Capital Flows EMEA meeting of ULI Madrid NEXT, to which had exclusive access.