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Modelo Banner 1 Brainsre 650x250 Noviembre 2024

Sevilla Reactivates the Development of 3 Projects Comprising 1,200 Homes

The Urban Planning Department has processed three residential projects that will allow the development of land, with an investment of 110 million euros.

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Aerial view of Sevilla.

The Urban Planning Department has processed three residential projects that will allow the development of land, with an investment of 110 million euros.

The Board and the executive committee of the Urban Planning and Environment Department of Sevilla City Council have processed three residential projects that will allow the development of land with an impact on the urban growth of Sevilla that will involve the investment of 110 million euros and see the construction of more than 1,200 public and private homes. The aim is to take advantage of disused buildings, such as barracks and factories, in the same way that Operation Campamento is trying to do in Madrid.

Read the full article in Spanish.

Modelo Banner 1 Brainsre 650x250 Noviembre 2024


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