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Modelo Banner 1 Brainsre 650x250 Noviembre 2024

Saltoki to Invest €175 Million in the Construction of a Logistics Centre in Zaragoza

The Navarran company Saltoki is going to build a logistics centre with a surface area of almost 164,000 m2 on the Empresarium industrial estate in Zaragoza.

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Saltoki, a Navarran company dedicated to the supply of plumbing, electricity and construction materials, is going to expand its facilities in Zaragoza with the construction of a logistics centre spanning nearly 164,000 m2 on the Empresarium industrial estate.

The project will involve a total investment of 175 million euros and the creation of around 500 jobs. To this end, Zaragoza City Council is going to offer two plots of land (one through a tender and the other through a sale) to Saltoki.

Read the full article in Spanish.

Modelo Banner 1 Brainsre 650x250 Noviembre 2024


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