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Neinor to Distribute its First Dividend in February Amounting to €0.50 Per Share

The property developer led by Borja García-Egotxeaga is going to distribute a dividend of 0.50 euros per share, equivalent to almost 40 million euros in total, to its 79 million ordinary shareholders.

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Borja García-Egotxeaga, CEO of Neinor Homes, and Jordi Argemí, Deputy CEO and Chief Financial Officer.

The Board of Directors of Neinor Homes has approved the distribution of a dividend amounting to 0.50 euros gross per share to be charged to the share premium reserve and other distributable reserves and to be distributed at the end of February.

According to the property developer, the total payment will amount to almost 40 million euros divided between the owners of the company’s 79 million ordinary shares.

Read the full article in Spanish.

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