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Modelo Banner 1 Brainsre 650x250 Noviembre 2024

Mutualidad de Arquitectos (HNA) Buys Torre Mízar, Ilunion’s HQ, for €36 Million

Ilunion's current headquarters, which is now owned by HNA, has become the entity's third building in the area, where it already owns Cemex's headquarters and the Murano building.


A new purchase has been made in the office segment in the Spanish capital. The Mutualidad de los Arquitectos, Arquitectos Técnicos y Químicos (HNA) has bought Torre Mízar for 36 million euros, according to Expansión. The asset, which is located in the Ciudad Lineal area of Madrid, spans 7,350 square metres and has 125 parking spaces.

Torre Mízar, which is located on Calle Albacete number 3, has whereby become the third property in the area to be owned by HNA, after it bought the Murano building (number 60 Calle Torrelaguna) in 2019 and Cemex’s headquarters (numbers 3-5 Calle Hernández de Tejada) in 2016.

Read the full article in Spanish.

Modelo Banner 1 Brainsre 650x250 Noviembre 2024


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