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Modelo Banner 1 Brainsre 650x250 Noviembre 2024

Maersk Launches its First Logistics Platform in Spain

The transport company has closed a rental contract with Cirsa in the Port of Barcelona where it will build a logistics platform spanning 8,168 m2.

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The international transport and logistics company Moller-Maersk is going to build its first logistics platform in Spain in the Port of Barcelona, ​​according to Expansión. The company, which already has a presence in the ports of Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Gijón and Vigo, is pushing ahead with its expansion plan for Southern Europe and Northwest Africa.

The first Moller-Maersk logistics platform in Spain will span 8,168 square metres on a plot measuring 14,409 square metres in a turnkey operation. The future warehouse will be Leed Gold certified and will involve an investment of 5.5 million euros. It will have a height under girder of 11 metres for storage, as well as 39 loading docks with sectional doors and exterior shelters. The agreement with Cilsa includes a ten-year lease with the right to extend for another ten.

Read the full article in Spanish.

Modelo Banner 1 Brainsre 650x250 Noviembre 2024


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