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InicioIE Will Inaug...

IE Will Inaugurate its Business School in the Caleido Skyscraper in September

The building, which will be 180 metres high and comprise 35 floors, with 50,000 m2 of space and 7,000 m2 of green areas, will have the capacity to house 6,000 students from the Instituto de Empresa.

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The future headquarters of the IE Tower Business School in the Caleido Tower in Madrid.

The building, which will be 180 metres high and comprise 35 floors, with 50,000 m2 of space and 7,000 m2 of green areas, will have the capacity to house 6,000 students from the Instituto de Empresa.

The IE University will inaugurate the IE Tower, its new headquarters for its high-rise, technological and sustainable business school in the north of Madrid, in September 2021.

Read the full article in Spanish.


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