InicioEnglishHousing Sales...
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Housing Sales and Purchases Increase by 53.5% In July

There were 50,258 transactions in total, 18.9% of which were new homes and 81.1% existing.

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Housing sales and purchases grew by 53.5% y-o-y in July. According to the National Statistics Institute, there were 50,258 residential asset transactions.

These sales and purchases were 18.9% new construction and the remaining 81.1% used. Transactions for new homes grew by 40.2%, compared to July last year, while those in used homes were up 56.9%.

Most of the properties transferred, 92%, are free housing and only 8% are classified as protected. The figure represents an increase of 58% in the first type and 15.5% in the second.

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Modelo Banner 1 Brainsre 650x250 Noviembre 2024


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