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Housing Prices Rose by 0.5% Over Last Year

Tinsa has published data stating that the average price per square metre of housing in Spain has reached 1,390 euros per square metre.

precio vivienda Tinsa

Housing prices in Spain have risen by 0.5% since January 2020, to 1,390 euros per square metre, according to a report by the real estate valuation company, Tinsa. The price has increased by 16% since the low in the first quarter of 2015, though they remain 32% below the highs of 2007.

Prices partly recovered towards the end of 2020 and have since consolidated during the first quarter of this year. Silvia de la Hoz, an analyst at Tinsa, stated: “The adjustments have been intense in sales and approvals and contained in prices, showing a recovery … in the case of sales and purchases after the summer period.”

The report reveals various figures on the economic profile of homebuyers. Families’ average financial effort currently stands at 20.8% of their income, and the average mortgage is for 135,759 euros.

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