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House Sales Return to their Pre-Covid Levels in August with 33,000 Operations

33,201 homes were sold in August compared to 30,351 in the same month in 2019, up by 6.8% in interannual terms. That figure represents a return to the pre-Covid levels of March.

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The data from the General Council of Notaries also shows that the average price of homes dropped by 7.3% during the eighth month of the year and that mortgage loans increased by 6.5% year-on-year.

Even so, the number of sales recorded in July set a new record, following the lockdown with the signing of pending deeds, which will be difficult to match: 50,022 transactions were recorded, which shows that there are still monthly drops in the data. In August, 33,201 homes were sold compared to 30,351 in the same month in 2019, down by 6.8% year-on-year. That figure also represents a return to the pre-Covid levels of March, when 32,490 transactions were signed.

Read the full article in Spanish.


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