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The Merits and Shortcomings of the Housing Act

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It’s been a pretty turbulent week as far as housing legislation is concerned. On the one hand, the draft State Housing Act received support from the ERC on Thursday and so continues through the parliamentary process, despite the social and parliamentary controversy that it has caused, the doubts that have been expressed about its constitutionality and the unfavorable report from the General Council of the Judiciary. On the other hand, the Constitutional Court has annulled part of the Catalan Housing Act.

If we begin by focusing on the first and taking into account the absurdly low stock of public housing for rent in our country, which represents only 1.6% of households, compared to an average across the European Union of 9.3%, we must applaud the fact that the Government is taking the initiative to encourage the supply of rental housing at affordable prices.  But the truth is that this legislative technique is not the most appropriate, and nor are some of the public policies for the rental home market included in the regulations.

Translated by Carmel Drake. Read the full article in Spanish.

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