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The Former Adler Hotel now has a Swiss Tenant Following its Conversion into Offices

The consultancy firm CBRE has been responsible for the commercialisation of the building, as well as for its management and building work.

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Building located on Velázquez 33, in Madrid.

CBRE has been responsible for the commercialisation of the building, as well as for its management and building work. The property, which is located at the intersection of two iconic streets in Madrid, Velázquez and Goya, is owned by a private investment firm.

The building, formerly known for housing the Adler Hotel, spans more than 2,000 m2 (2,163 m2) and now comprises offices equipped with the latest technologies.

Velázquez 33 will host the new headquarters of a Swiss multinational, specifically, a security provider that offers secure solutions and services for identification, traceability and authentication.

Modelo Banner 1 Kit Consulting 650x250 Junio2024 2


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