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HomeOres Stabilis...

Ores Stabilises its Portfolio & Turnover and Has Distributed Dividends Amounting to Almost €56 Million in 5 Years

The Socimi owned jointly by Bankinter and Sonae Sierra owns twenty assets in Spain and Portugal valued at 367 million euros.

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Olimpo Real Estate Socimi (Ores), the company owned by Bankinter Investments and Sierra Sonae, has published its quarterly report for Q3 2022 and has made it clear that the stabilisation of the business is already a reality following the turbulence and uncertainty generated by Covid on a portfolio essentially made up of shopping centres and supermarkets.

The Socimi, which was established in December 2016, has informed BME Growth that “since the launch of the vehicle to date (30 September 2022), it has distributed dividends amounting to 55.8 million euros in total (equivalent to 28.4% of the capital initially contributed).

Read the full article in Spanish.


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