New Development

UBS Reduces its Stake in Aedas Homes to 5.3%

The Swiss banking entity's reduced stake is valued at 53.2 million euros.

The 10 Largest Residential Projects in the Country

Listed property developers, family businesses and cooperatives are all finalising the development of macro-promotions comprising between 200 to 400 homes, according to data from Brainsre.

Málaga Anticipates the Construction of 27 Skyscrapers Over The Next Few Years

The city currently has 13 urban planning projects at different stages of approval that would result in the construction of 27 towers, including skyscrapers.

The Amount of Residential Space Approved for Development Fell by 22% in 2020, Due to Covid

Last year, 87,687 new homes were approved for development, which represents a decrease of 17.32% compared to 2019, equivalent to 20,000 fewer homes.