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Aedas: “We have a Strategy to Preserve Capital and Ensure the Continuity of our Business”

The property developer, which has a reservation portfolio comprising 3,074 homes worth €1,026 million, says that it is well prepared to handle the Covid-19 crisis.

David Martínez Consejero Delegado AEDAS Homes 1 1024x575 1

Aedas Homes held its General Shareholders’ Meeting today, by video call. Key highlights from the firm’s 2019 results include a net profit of €31.6 million and revenues of €311.5 million. David Martínez, CEO of Aedas, took the opportunity to share a message of confidence, stating that “we need to stay the course and focus on the long-term outlook. These difficult times will pass, and we will emerge stronger”.

“Aedas Homes is well prepared to handle the current situation. 2019 was a solid year in terms of operating and financial results and, although it is too early to assess the effects of Covid-19, we have activated a capital preservation strategy to guarantee business continuity,” explained the Chief Executive to his shareholders.


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