InicioEnglishCulmia and Ae...
Modelo Banner 1 Brainsre 650x250 Noviembre 2024

Culmia and Aedas Bid to Build the First 6,646 Homes in Madrid’s Vive Plan

Isabel Díaz Ayuso, the president of the Community of Madrid, announced that "there has been sufficient competition to be able to start the construction of the first 6,646 homes," in a statement last week.

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The public tender for the first 46 plots of land under the Plan Vive for affordable rental housing has aroused the interest of some of the largest developers in the market. That interest, however, failed to reach the expected level.

Sources close to the operation told that Aedas and Culmia have submitted bids. On the other hand, Neinor Homes withdrew its offer, while Vía Ágora, Metrovacesa, and Vía Célere opted not to participate in the public tender.

Ms Ayuso confirmed last week, in an interview on Telemadrid, that the government had received the necessary minimum of two bids to auction three of the lots of land. The president of the Community of Madrid also stated that «there has been sufficient competition to be able to start the construction of the first 6,646 homes.»

Read the full article in Spanish

Modelo Banner 1 Brainsre 650x250 Noviembre 2024


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