InicioCBRE and Zitt...
Modelo Banner 1 Brainsre 650x250 Noviembre 2024

CBRE and Zittus Team Up to Operate in the Build-to-Rent Market

The company Zittus Management has developed a technological platform for managing all of the services relating to rental homes within a single system.

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The consulting firm CBRE is expanding its service offering to respond to the growing demand for the management of residential assets for rent. To this end, it has reached an agreement with Zittus Management, a company specialising in the management, administration and maintenance of residential properties, which will be in charge of executing the services.

In this sense, Adolfo Ramírez-Escudero, President of CBRE Spain, pointed out that during this current time of growth in the build-to-rent segment in Spain, “investors who have opted to enter this segment find themselves up against a shortage of specialist operators for the management of this type of asset”. As such, the consulting firm intends to provide support, together with Zittus, to help these investors manage their asset portfolios.

Read the full article in Spanish.

Modelo Banner 1 Brainsre 650x250 Noviembre 2024


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