Blackstone is in the news again in the midst of the summer heatwave. The US giant has just signed an agreement with Bankia to manage a portfolio of 2,000 homes and mortgages owned by the bank, whereby expanding the activity of its subsidiary Anticipa to include services to third parties. And it has purchased a portfolio of logistics warehouses located in the top markets of the sector, at a time of frenetic activity for the transport and commerce industries, due to the Covid-19 crisis.
The investment bank was founded in 1985 by Peter G. Peterson and Stephen A. Schwarzman, formerly of Lehman Brothers, in New York. Since then, it has managed assets primarily in the United States of America and Europe, and especially in the real estate sector. The firm’s name represents a union of the founders’ last name: black for Schwarz(man), which means black in German, and stone for Petros, which means stone in Greek. The name was Schwarzman’s idea.
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