InicioEnglishBanks Tighten...
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Banks Tighten Lending Amid Increasing Risk, Sparing Mortgages

The ECB’s survey of eurozone banks has predicted that banks will continue to tighten their lending standards in the second quarter of this year while simultaneously slightly loosening mortgage lending.

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The survey of banks in the eurozone is pointing to a continued tightening of lending standards by the region’s banks, albeit with some easing in mortgage lending. The pandemic continues, and banks, though mortgages are expected to be unaffected. The love is due to market dynamics and perceived risks faced by some sectors of the economy. This had led to a slight contraction in the availability of credit during the first quarter of 2021, both in Spain and in the rest of the eurozone. That tightening is expected to continue for at least the next three months, both for households and companies.

Read the full article in Spanish

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