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Apax Partners Repurchases 17% of Idealista for €250 Million

The buyback is taking place two months after the sale, and the transaction has been closed for 250 million euros.

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The investment fund Apax Partners has announced the repurchase of 17% of the real estate portal Idealista. The transaction, which has reportedly been closed for 250 million euros, is being carried out just two months after Apax sold its stake in the company to EQT for 1.351 billion euros.

Apax Partners purchased its stake in Idealista in 2015 with an investment of 235 million euros, after acquiring the shares of Tiger Global Management, KutxaBank and Bonsai Venture Capital. At the end of last year, following a competitive process involving other international investors, the investment fund sold its stake to the Swedish group EQT.

Read the full article in Spanish.


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