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Modelo Banner 1 Brainsre 650x250 Noviembre 2024

Alantra Launches €132-Million Debt Fund

Alantra's Alteralia Real Estate Debt FIL's investments include a group of national and international insurance companies, pension funds, banks and family offices.


The asset manager Alantra launches a debt fund with €132 million. Alteralia Real Estate Debt FIL had an initial target of 100 million, but elevated interest from insurance companies, banks, pension funds, and family offices led to a higher final amount.

The fund will grant loans between 5 and 25 million euros on assets in Spain and Europe, such as offices, retail, hotels, logistics, student residences and residences for the elderly. The loans will be used for operations with flexible asset acquisitions, refinancing existing debt, and financing refurbishment or repositioning works.

Alantra has 1.2 billion euros of such debt under management.

Read the full article in Spanish

Modelo Banner 1 Brainsre 650x250 Noviembre 2024


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