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Modelo Banner 1 Brainsre 650x250 Noviembre 2024

A Snapshot of the Spanish Residential Market

Between March and December, the supply of single-family homes fell by 12%, falling twice as quickly as that for flats, due to a sharp increase in demand, according to Brainsre.

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During the last 12 months of the coronavirus and with the restrictions imposed throughout Europe to curb its further spread, Europeans have been forced to stay at home. This fact has undoubtedly changed housing preferences.

After Covid, homebuyers have been looking for properties with terraces, more space, recreational areas and a location in line with new needs.

According to data published by Eurostat, 46% of the EU population lived in flats in 2019, while a small majority lived in houses. Just over a third (35%) of the population lived in detached homes, and almost a fifth (19%) lived in semi-detached or terraced houses.

Flats were the preferred type of residence in nine Member States, especially in Latvia (66%), Estonia (61%) and Greece (59%). The lowest percentages were in Ireland (8%) and the Netherlands (20%). After Latvia, Spain (65%) has the second-highest percentage of people living in flats.

Read the full article in Spanish

Modelo Banner 1 Brainsre 650x250 Noviembre 2024


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